Quantock Biodiversity TM hold Somerset’s only registered Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) offset units. Available today.
We have developed three purchasing options, to support clients with a variety of needs
If you simply need to buy units now we can supply bespoke configurations of habitat mix to meet your needs. Developers have access to the specific number and type of offsets they need quickly and at competitive prices within the location where they need them.
Provides the right, but not the obligation, to buy BNG units in the future at terms agreed today for a fixed period of time - the option time. This enables developers to plan with known costs and availability for uncertain projects.
For larger private and public purchasers the option to purchase the entire Quantok Biodiversity scheme exists and so secure either a strategic Somerset LPA asset or facilitate long cycle operational needs.
We enhance the value of your clients sites by providing cost certainty for aquiring developers, increasing biodiversity both within and beyond the development boundary, and minimizing pre-construction offset costs.
We provide developers of all sizes with reliable and fast access to high-quality offsets at competitive rates. Our flexible payment terms allow you to defer offsetting costs along the development process, improving project returns.
We work closely with brokers to guarantee access to the offsets your clients require in line with their timing and strategy. We offer flexible payment terms that can be extended to your clients for aligning project cashflow with operational needs.
We support environmental and planning consultants with fully compliant BNG solutions from initial design to full approval, ensuring a fast, cost-effective, and risk-free approach that meets client needs.
The Woodland Units offer both High and Medium distinctiveness options.
The Grassland Units are Medium distinctiveness.
The schemes Hedgerow Units are split across Very High, High and Medium distinctiveness levels.
18th December 2024
Quantock Biodiversity is pleased to announce a major milestone with the completion of its Habitat Bank in Somerset's rolling Quantock Hills. The 30 year plus Conservation Covenant was signed in early Decemeber and on the 18th December was issued to Natural England for formal registration on the Gain Site Register.
AUDIO Feature
21st November 2024
BNG can be complex to get a handle on so we made this short podcast to get you up to speed. Click on the link below to get acess.
Please click here to see our Gain Site Register registration details under reference BGS-201224001 at grid reference ST193316 in the Somerset LPA area.
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